Episode 448 – Modern Dictation, Email Boosting, and App Store Fees

What is a story from your life that you could bake into your welcome sequence?

This week we have a great show in store for you. Leave us a review on Apple Podcast and answer the Question of the Week in the comment section. Claire’s book, Reclaim Your Author Career, is available: www.books2read.com/RYAC. Sign up for Bryan’s webinar, 2023 Success, happening this Thursday: https://bryancohen.lpages.co/succeed-in-2023. Top Tips of the week include the best options for dictating your book in 2022, how one author added 3,000 email subscribers in three months, and why exercise helps you write better. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include why the court blocked the Big 5 book merger, why one veteran author says the Big 5 no longer matter, that avoiding decisions can help you write more, why Spotify and Apple are pitched for battle, and Amazon has a new program to incentivize book buying. Question of the week: What is a story from your life that you could bake into your welcome sequence? read more

Episode 447 – ShopTok, Recession Planning, and Collaborators with Benefits

What do you think is the deal with the Goodreads ratings on Amazon pages? Why would Amazon do that?

This week we have a great show in store for you. Leave us a review on Apple Podcast and answer the Question of the Week in the comment section. Our Webinar is on Thursday! https://bryancohen.lpages.co/supercharge-your-story-nov22/. Top Tips of the week include the benefits of author collaborations, how the type of author you are can determine the success of your career, and what lessons you can take from the publishing process. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include why more book sales data isn’t always better for authors, how Audible has changed their return policy and neither authors or readers like it, that TikTok wants to challenge Amazon and sell physical products, what the 6 Figure Authors are doing to revive book sales, and what Goodreads is doing to your Amazon books. Question of the Week: What do you think is the deal with the Goodreads ratings on Amazon pages? Why would Amazon do that? read more

Episode 446 – Bestseller Lists, Print Power, and Amazon Author Pages

Outside of the promise of money or public success, what makes you keep writing instead of quitting?

This week we have a great show in store for you. Leave us a review on Apple Podcast and answer the Question of the Week in the comment section. Top Tips of the week include how (and why) to put your book into more categories on Amazon, how BookFunnel is improving the reader experience again, and ways to market print books from successful authors. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include some new audiobook promotional opportunities are here (but hurry), what (or who) makes a best seller, that you should keep writing, even with chronic illness, Amazon’s latest problem affecting your book sale, and why most authors fail (and how not to). Question of the Week: Outside of the promise of money or public success, what makes you keep writing instead of quitting? read more

Episode 445 – Writing Commandments, Account Glitches, and AI Copyrights

What is one commandment you live by as an author?

This week we have a great show in store for you. Leave us a review on Apple Podcast and answer the Question of the Week in the comment section. Author Ad School is now open for $100 off! Https://AdSchool2022.com Top Tips of the week include why the basics matter with book marketing, the 10 Commandments of Writing, and how to get out of your stuck ways. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include what successful authors have in common, and what you can learn from them, Amazon is having lots of hiccups, but what can you do, An AI copyrighted art for the 1st time, Hallmark is outta here, but I hope not before Christmas movie season, and how to recover from an Amazon suspension or termination (first, just breathe). Question of the Week: What is one commandment you live by as an author? read more

Episode 444 – NFT Comeback, Free Data, and Amazon Attribution

If you’re going to use the Amazon Attribution links, HOW are you going to use the data you collect from them

This week we have a great show in store for you. Leave us a review on Apple Podcast and answer the Question of the Week in the comment section. 5-Day Author Ad Profit Challenge starts today! Sign up at https://AuthorsAdvertise.com Top Tips of the week include why editing is a must have if you’re thinking of your writing as a business, where to go to learn all about romance. Romance books, at least, and how to make your cover stellar! The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include whether NFT books can really be a thing, why you shouldn’t bother to find a publisher, why free data is worth every penny, why BookTok promoters are ignoring a big new feature, and there’s a new way to track your Amazon sales conversions. Question of the Week: If you’re going to use the Amazon Attribution links, HOW are you going to use the data you collect from them? read more

Episode 443 Beta Bruises, Unreliable Narrators, and Changing Covers

Question of the week: What’s your process for using beta readers?

This week we have a great show in store for you. Leave us a review on Apple Podcast and answer the Question of the Week in the comment section. Author Ad Challenge starts Oct 12th! You can join here: https://AuthorsAdvertise.com Top Tips of the week include why your book isn’t for everyone, and that’s a good thing, how beta readers can hurt, but also help at the same time, whether authors should be seen marketing their books. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include how D2D is making proofs and author copies easier for non-US authors, how TikTok is changing book covers, how to leap ahead of the Big 5, protecting yourself and your audiobook using Findaway Voices, why genre doesn’t matter except to your readers. Question of the Week: What’s your process for using beta readers? read more

Episode 442 – Non-Fiction Niche, French Shipping, and Amazon Returns

What is the next step Amazon can take to help authors succeed?

This week we have a great show in store for you. Leave us a review on Apple Podcast and answer the Question of the Week in the comment section. Top Tips of the week include how you can master your series while prepping for NaNoWriMo, how to find your next non-fiction niche to write in, and why your prologue could be hurting your sales. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include Amazon fixing the ebook return problem, how BookFunnel can help you deliver lots of books at once, how Amazon Ads can help readers find your book, the biggest problem that keeps books from selling, and how France is fighting back to protect its indie bookstores. Question of the Week: What is the next step Amazon can take to help authors succeed? read more

Episode 441 – Author Pressure, 1-Star Experiences, and Small Books

What do you think (or want to believe) is behind the mystery of author Ellie Conway? #whereisellieconway

This week we have a great show in store for you. Leave us a review on Apple Podcast and answer the Question of the Week in the comment section. Last call: Claire’s Reclaim Your Author Career Coaching is open. Go to https://www.ffs.media/coaching to enroll before it closes. Top Tips of the week include relieving the pressure of being an author, riding the algorithms to sell more books, and how to survive your first 1-star review. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include how Amazon is letting sellers ‘talk’ to customers, the way to securely deliver ARC copies that can’t be pirated, the solution to Apple’s demands, the mystery behind a mysterious new movie, based on a mysterious new book, and from an even more mysterious author, and that books are getting smaller, and maybe that’s ok. Question of the Week: What do you think (or want to believe) is behind the mystery of author Ellie Conway? #whereisellieconway read more

Episode 440 – BookFunnel Previews, Finding Focus, and Trad Pub Stat Silliness

When you’ve been able to focus on a project, what have you usually had to do to make that happen?

This week we have a great show in store for you. Leave us a review on Apple Podcast and answer the Question of the Week in the comment section. The Kickstarter Webinar with Russell & Monica is Thursday, September 15th. You can sign up at https://bryancohen.lpages.co/kickstarter-webinar/. Claire’s Reclaim Your Author Career Coaching is open. Go to https://www.ffs.media/coaching to enroll. Top Tips of the week include why you should stop kidding yourself that multitasking works, why authors should use Kickstarter, and how slow writing can lead to writing success. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include Bookfunnel’s new sample feature and how it can help sell books, how Big 5 publishing’s own stats are making Big 5 publishers look bad, why showing your work can bring you business, how Spotify plans to sell your audiobooks and whether you should let them, and the new minimalist writing tool on the market. Question of the Week: When you’ve been able to focus on a project, what have you usually had to do to make that happen? read more

Episode 439 – Writing Joy, Gen Z, and Tools of the Trade (with Mark from Stark)

In the coming years, what’s something you would consider doing to tap into the growing marketing of Gen Z readers?

This week we have a great show in store for you. Leave us a review on Apple Podcast and answer the Question of the Week in the comment section. Top Tips of the week include a few good reasons to do a preorder, the best reasons to step away from your computer and write more, and how to gift your book to fans, friends, and reviewers. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include how those books get onto the bestsellers table at your local bookstore, the new marketing subscription to help sell your books, where to go to learn the best in author tools, how Gen Z is making romance more popular than ever, and how to last for the long-haul in publishing. Question of the Week: In the coming years, what’s something you would consider doing to tap into the growing marketing of Gen Z readers? read more