Note: Sorry about the last update that appeared to be in French. Someone got into our WordPress install and posted some nonsensical content. We have since deleted that content. The funny thing is, neither Bryan or Jim speak French. 🙂
After two weeks off, Jim returned to the Sell More Books Show with a loud, sound-filled clang. The dynamic duo discussed tips related to product funnels, long-term strategy, and turning fan devotion into a game. They also chatted in-depth about the Gravity lawsuit, authorpreneurship tips, free books, Amazon Marketing Services, and the latest Author Earnings report. This show’s Question of the Week: Do you feel like giving away books for free devalues your work and the work of other authors?
What You’ll Learn:Â
- How to create a smarter product funnel
- Why indies should think long-term
- One way to inspire fan devotion
- Why the author of Gravity hasn’t gotten paid
- 10 tips for authorpreneurship
- Why Jim says fun is key for authors
- What free books mean for the value of your books
- How to create advertising on Amazon
- Why the latest Author Earnings debunks countless studies
Question of the Week: Do you feel like giving away books for free devalues your work and the work of other authors?