Episode 432- Missing Data, Influence, and Less is More

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If you had to pick one project to give your full attention to, which one would it be and why? Which projects would you let drop?

This week we have a great show for you! Join the Sell More Books Show Afterparty group on Facebook and be sure to leave us a review on Apple Podcast. Author Ad School is now open through July 25th and Claire’s Kickstarter ends July 21st at midnight, you can visit the links in the show notes! Top Tips of the week include how to have a guilt free summer even if you don’t write, how to find the best keywords for your books, and how to give your backlist a kick in the pants! The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include how to finish your first book, how BookTok and other influencers can help sell books, what author is making his living by doing less, what new reality show is following writers writing their books, and how ALLi is trying to track indie author sales and successes. Question of the week: If you had to pick one project to give your full attention to, which one would it be and why? Which projects would you let drop?

What You’ll Learn:
  • How to have a guilt-free summer, even if you don’t write
  • How to find the best keywords for your books
  • How to five your backlist a kick in the pants!
  • How to finish your first book
  • How BookTok and other influencers can help sell books, even if you don’t have a huge following of your own
  • How one author make his living by doing less
  • About the new reality show following writers writing their books
  • How ALLi is trying to track indie author sales and successes
If you had to pick one project to give your full attention to, which one would it be and why? Which projects would you let drop?

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