Episode 25 – Exclusivity, iBooks and Pinterest

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It’s been 25 weeks since Jim and Bryan decided to give podcasting a go. We kept things rolling along with tips about Pinterest, changing your social media perspective and advanced email list building. After touching briefly on Nook’s continued tailspin, Jim and Bryan chatted about KDP Select, giving up blogging, iBooks and Smashwords, Amazon’s new crowdsourcing program and Amazon and Apple’s family sharing plans. Our Question of the Week: Do you use Pinterest for your marketing? If so, what kind of results have you had?

What You’ll Learn: 
  • 15 tips for using Pinterest for marketing
  • One perspective change that could improve your social media platform
  • More advanced tips for building your email list
  • How Nook is continuing to shoot itself in the foot
  • Why 90-days of exclusivity isn’t a big deal
  • What you should do instead of blogging
  • How Smashwords is taking advantage of iOS8
  • How Amazon is testing crowdsourced publishing
  • Why Amazon and Apple are letting families share books
Question of the Week: Do you use Pinterest for your marketing? If so, what kind of results have you had?

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