We opened our inaugural podcast by sharing a bit about ourselves and why we’re doing the show. We talked about how we want to share the newest ways to market your books as soon as they’re invented.Bryan talked about his start on his website, Build Creative Writing Ideas, and Jim discussed the creation of Author Marketing Club. We both have the same goals to help authors apply the ideas we find on the web.
Note: Jim’s sound is bad in this episode. It will be fixed for future shows. Hey, it’s a first show, it can’t be perfect. 🙂
Then we went into this week’s news:
5. Salon Article on Indie Bookstores
Jim said that indie bookstores may not last long-term because of digital books. Bryan said the stores will survive because they can keep up with the new tactics indie authors bring to the table. Jim said the model of publishers in the business of selling paper at the right weight and thickness is collapsing.
4. Hugh Howey’s idea: RedBoox
Bryan said he’s all in for Hugh’s idea. Jim thinks it’s great too, but wondered if there would be enough demand. The machine could be a part of indie bookstores and Jim said authors could give out special codes to their readers.
3. Kevin Michael talks Amazon keywords on Self Publishing Roundtable
Jim said he’s heard stories of a simple category change making all the difference. Bryan said that authors should try as many new things as possible because you never know what will work.
2. ACX opens up to U.K. authors
We agreed that ACX was leaving so many people out of the mix and hopefully the change will let other people have access to a new revenue source. Jim said he’s had more reaction from his traditionally-published audiobook than he has from the print version.
1. Self-Publishing Podcast reveals Kickstarter project
Jim said the Fiction Unboxed project is a no-brainer for writers to support. We both plan to contribute to the project. Jim said the SPP guys are a great example of how other authors can build up a fan base. We made a gentleman’s bet on how much money the project will raise.
In closing, we promised to get five to 5.2 percent better every episode.
Please send us the news you want to hear discussed on future shows.