Question of the Week: How would you create a high concept brand around your books?
This week, Bryan announced a million things (actually three things) to help indie authors, including his new free video training (go to to get on his list), his attempt to hit the USA Today Bestseller List with his writing prompts box set) (get it on Nook at ) and his new Selling for Authors Facebook Group ( ). Don’t forget, he’s also got March to a Bestseller 3 coming up this Friday ( ). With the promotional parade over, Jim and Bryan talked tips and news after thanking their latest Patreon patrons (Susan Illene’s Stalked by Flames ) and (Chris Syme’s SMART Social Media for Authors ). The tips included the next level of marketing, Blab, and better author bios. The tumultuous twosome also talked Facebook Groups, a year-long marketing plan, to KDP Select or not to KDP Select, the evolution of authorship, and high concept branding. This week’s Question of the Week: How would you create a high concept brand around your books?Subscribe to The Sell More Books Show on iTunes!