When you work from home, do you have any routines to make you feel like you have transitioned to the professional period of your day or do you just get into it and mix it up?
When working from home do you have a certain routine that helps you “get out of your pajamas” and start your work day? If so, what is it? Today is the final day of Bryan’s Blurb Bonus Package with Best Page Forward so make sure to check it out and H. Claire Taylor has a free chat on April 2nd talking about supercharging your protagonist, there are only 10 seats available so grab yours soon! This week’s Super Charger Story Course Winner is Blaine Moore. Thank you to our featured Patrons – Thawed: CRYERS Book 1, How To Drive Your Next Car Deal: The How-To Guide To Negotiating A New Car Deal, and The Tilt. The Top Tips of the week include how being quarantined may lead you to writing your best work like Shakespeare, why “writing crap” is a common tip amongst successful romance authors, and how putting on some pants can encourage you to get to writing. This week’s honorable mention goes to Amazon being flooded with coronavirus books. The 5 News stories that matter most to indies this week include what is the future of coronavirus vs authors, publishers, and booksellers, how learning the skills of publishing and web designing can save you lots of money, why British company DeepZen is already ahead of the game, why the UK government is saying goodbye to the 20% VAT, and what finding your niche can do for your book sales according to children’s book author Melissa Torres. Question of the Week: When you work from home, do you have any routines to make you feel like you have transitioned to the professional period of your day or do you just get into it and mix it up?