Episode 12 – Getting Personal with your Readers

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While Jim spent all day recording videos for a college course, Bryan and guest co-host Shelley Hitz from TrainingAuthors.com stepped in to deliver this week’s news. There was a big focus this episode on forging a personal connection with your readers whether it be through encouraging fans to email you, using social media or contacting librarians to get your books in the stacks. Other topics included using Microsoft Word to create book covers, Google Alerts, the news analysts are missing about the publishing industry, getting featured on BookBub and the myth that authors have missed the indie publishing boat. We also debuted a new feature: The Question of the Week. How do you connect personally with your readers? Let us know via email or through the comments on our website.

What You’ll Learn: 

  • The secret sauce behind March to a Bestseller’s success
  • How some authors are creating covers in Microsoft Word
  • One way to keep up with your book whenever it’s mentioned online
  • How to encourage emails to find true fans
  • Why it helps to be friends with librarians
  • What big companies are focusing on with social media
  • How analysts are leaving out part of the picture
  • The formula BookBub uses to select its books
  • Why you should create a 10-year plan instead of giving up



Question of the Week: 
How do you personally connect with your readers? What plans do you have for personal connection going forward? Please leave your comments below.

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