What was the last ad that sold YOU and why?
Today’s top story is Audio AIiiii. Question of the week is What was the last ad that sold YOU and why?
Today’s top story is Audio AIiiii. Question of the week is What was the last ad that sold YOU and why?
Today’s top story is Swag Bag. Question of the week is What are some of the most inspired creative book marketing ideas that have worked for you?
Today’s top story is Wrap Your Book in Love. Question of the week is How do you plan a future release schedule that is going to benefit future you while keeping future you inspired?
Today’s top story is Breaking the Fourth Wall. Question of the week is What is a problem you’re facing that you already know the solution to?
Today’s top story is Direct from the Source. Question of the week is What do YOU think you need to do next to succeed in your author career?
Today’s top story is Budgeting For Success. Question of the week is What are the items that are absolutely crucial for your publishing that you shouldn’t do yourself?
Today’s top story is New App, Same Ebooks. Question of the week is Now that we’re into February, have you as an author looked at each month on the calendar to see which are your best-selling months and how are you using this to your advantage for sales? And how are you using your weakest month to your advantage for recovery?
Today’s top story is This Game Is Mental, Too. Question of the week is What is something you can do this year that will make you an author unicorn?
Today’s top story is The Ban Ban Dance. Question of the week is Do you want TikTok to stay or go and why?
Today’s top story is How to Grow Your Author Business Without Losing Your Mind. Question of the week is How do you make writing books stable as a career and create longevity?